Position matching involves determining the existing fit between the organisation’s positions and the people that occupy them, and subsequently assigning the personnel for the jobs most suited to them. Identifying the most suitable person for each position guarantees optimal performance and job satisfaction.

Nowadays, this process of fitting people to positions is especially complex, yet much needed. Increased competition, technological changes and the search for improved productivity have given rise to new working practices that require organisations to constantly evaluate their processes. Positions change and become more functional, thereby obliging workers to adapt to these changes and to be able to carry out a variety of functions that up until that moment had not fallen within the realm of their responsibility (polyfunctionality).

til QUEST possesses sophisticated software (ASSESSMENT–valoRHa) that enables the evaluation of the human factor within an organisation and determines which employees are in the best condition to cover a particular post (the ideal person for each post and the ideal position for each person).

Fitting people to positions provides organisations with significant advantages: maximum efficiency in each position, improved productivity together with enhanced flexibility within the workforce and an increase in the company’s profitability.